Sammlung von Studien im Bereich bidirektionales Laden
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- Leippi, A., Otteny, F., Zernickel, M., & Klingler, A. L. (2024). Power Transfer Vehicle-to-Home (V2H). Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO.
- Müller, M. D. (2023). Netzintegration dezentraler Flexibilitätsoptionen mit Fokus auf ausgewählte Anwendungsfälle für bidirektionale Elektrofahrzeuge. Technische Universität München.
- Liedekerke, A. V., Garrison J. et al. (2023). A first estimate of the value of vehicle-to-grid for the Swiss electricity system. ETH Zürich.
- Chengjian, X., Paul, B., Paul, G., Kandler, S., Mingming, H., Arnold, T., & Bernhard, S. (2022). Electric vehicle batteries alone could satisfy short-term grid storage demand by as early as 2030. Submitted to.
- Elma, O., Cali, U., & Kuzlu, M. (2022). An overview of bidirectional electric vehicles charging system as a Vehicle to Anything (V2X) under Cyber–Physical Power System (CPPS). Energy Reports, 8, 25-32.
Sadeghian, O., Oshnoei, A., Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B., Vahidinasab, V., & Anvari-Moghaddam, A. (2022). A comprehensive review on electric vehicles smart charging: Solutions, strategies, technologies, and challenges. Journal of Energy Storage, 54, 105241. - Ghotge, R., Nijssen, K. P., Annema, J. A., & Lukszo, Z. (2022). Use before You Choose: What Do EV Drivers Think about V2G after Experiencing It?. Energies, 15(13), 4907.
- Tepe, B., Figgener, J., Englberger, S., Sauer, D. U., Jossen, A., & Hesse, H. (2022). Optimal pool composition of commercial electric vehicles in V2G fleet operation of various electricity markets. Applied Energy, 308, 118351.
- Powell, S., Cezar, G. V., Min, L., Azevedo, I. M., & Rajagopal, R. (2022). Charging infrastructure access and operation to reduce the grid impacts of deep electric vehicle adoption. Nature Energy, 7(10), 932-945.
- Gschwendtner, C., Sinsel, S. R., & Stephan, A. (2021). Vehicle-to-X (V2X) implementation: An overview of predominate trial configurations and technical, social and regulatory challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 110977.